Sunday, March 24, 2013


bondo extracted.  plaster is still stuck in places which looks cool. mortar-ish

where it will go
a mold that works.  see above for finished piece

a mold that probably won't work. too many under cuts make the
clay hard to remove. decisions
the destroyer comeths. this is my gas mask with tube
for when i work with resin. the hose goes outside to non stinky air.
i always check that sh!t for spiders

Sunday, March 10, 2013

zelda wall thingy

cardboard model with approximate Link
drawn to left
i'm trying to keep it light.  foam it is
hole options for wall mounting
poe's postion on the arch
i'll cast the rocks in bondo and laminate them to
the foam understructure. 

too simple? i 'm on the fence. i'll go over the finished
casting with a textured slush to "mortar" the spaces between