Sunday, March 15, 2015

concept drawings throughout the years

I used to draw all the time for the sake of drawing.
now i just draw to figure out a 3d problem. i guess i was always trying to do
that though.

this one i actually tried to sculpt.

the one on the right is the set of "the Patriot"
the guy on the right is from museum of york county

Saturday, March 14, 2015

shooot heeerr : raptor cake toppers

wire sheet styrene  and some pvc board. the brown on the feet
is a slush of epoxy and wood flour to lock the toes in place.
this is the boy who will be scaling the cake

this is the girl. they are 10" long
i made the arms out of wire covered with freeform sculpt.
not a great epoxy clay. hard , yes, but doesn't hold detail well.
the claws were made out of styrene.

let's dance
teeth kicked my butt. i made some little ones out of styrene
rod , made a mold, and tried to cast. didn't work even when the resin
was pressurized
i chose to cut the teeth out of thin eva foam
the epoxy clay sets up in an hour or so. so i sculpted the head out of chavant.
i made molds and cast two so i didn't have to do that twice.
lil resin head
teeth glued in

my attempt at a feathered neck on the girl

generally where they stand now.i'll put feathers on the end of the tail and arms
lil top hat. made of bristol paper then coated in resin. i used
magic sculpt to fill in the gaps. 

he won't actually wear it. she'll take it from him and have it in her mouth.....
. so.
with much shame  i didn't get good end result photos. i hope my friend can take some.
this is the girl in her veil with hat in mouth.