Saturday, October 22, 2011


So I'm working on a bard character for a personal project. It's hard to make out certain parts of the character but essentially he is blowing bubbles into a massive collapsible woodwind instrument (not smoking a bong.) I'm not quite sure what the motive for this behavior is. This was a difficult pose because the weight of the body has to be balanced very carefully and whenever you have a thigh and a half come together like this, finding the line can be difficult. 

My sketches are always a lot of trial and error (mostly error.) Often-times I feel like I'm scribbling over and over until a line falls into place. Anyways in the future there will be a more completed drawing, I will probably lay the color in directly over the sketch digitally. Below is a series of thumbs, the middle being the closest to the detailed sketch. 


  1. looks good. man that's the only way i know how to draw-sketching a bunch of lines and and finding the right one later. how does the french horn thingy on his back connect to the rest of the instrument or are they two separate things?

  2. Yeah I sketch the same way. These days I rarely have any idea of what I want to sketch before I put pencil to paper. I'll just make a bunch of scribbles and hope that it suggests something. I'll be interested to the the color lay-in.
