Saturday, December 22, 2012


some of the masters that i vaccuformed over and
a few molds for one-off pieces
study for the monster head
the rider. rough. not his disposition. just the state he's in

claws. i crapped these out in 1 night. the clay part that is.
will polish them up but they really aren't that visible on the finished model

the starfish squid's lil chair

butt cheeks

vacuuformed  leg parts.

footsies. note the beige epoxy cast pieces for the foot
details. i sculpted one  tread then smooshed 12 impressions in
clay as a impromptu mold. it worked ok

pre vacuuformed parts

crude armature for the rider in my monster rider challenge

leg pieces

i filled the back of the leg with bondo to make the inner
surface. bondo doesn't like styrene so i added the little
squares( green). each square has a bevelled edge facing towards
the outside making mini fasteners for the bondo to wrap around and grab

steel load bearing section of leg with  shells taped up for inspection

the steel armature was glued to the leg and then covered over with the bondo

steel secured. little wood block filler

and thankfully the steel support holds up the shell's weight. see the bondo. i'll add more
and give it cleaner edges

glad it worked
biggest piece of monster rider challenge  sculpt
fired.    That weird purply gross color. don't squint at this photo. it
looks like something else

Friday, December 21, 2012

bad idea: christmas dinosaur

ok. so we had a contest at work for our christmas
party. tacky sweaters. i went...retarded.
i had a mental image of a candycane striped dinosaur frill...sigh

best shows the length. the candycane bit is about 20".

it hurts to wear. where it meets my forehead feels like a
headache after five minutes. the wires that run to the back were cut
too short . i couldn't sit. D frikin batteries to boot.

it's made of card board, burlap, and matt board covered
in caulk . the lower half of the flap is canvas

i used pieces of a wreath for the furry feathery bits. i hate what i did with the forehead
below the wreathy part. it was a dud. did not debut at party

Sunday, December 16, 2012

mash em up

a gift for a friend. the idea came from
this cool artist who makes "Battle Babies"
that are incredible figures made from old toys  reworked into coolness

he is made of a toy jeep, a 12" ninja, some
fischer price mondo sized little people and
some kind of space rover thing( the 6 arms)

primed with krylon primer for plastic.
it peeled in places but i kept on painting.
the finished coats are craft acrylics and house paint.
high class

the little guy inside is made of the ninja head with the arms and legs
 of the soldier that came with the jeep.. the whole thing is held
together with one screw that runs the jeep , ninja, and buggy together.
the rest , hot glue. so much hot glue.  i added pipe cleaner around his face
and it looks like he's wearing a jacket

spare tires. the yellow white thing is a
christmas ornament

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

plaster master

the legs will be vacuum formed plastic assembled over an armature. these
 master shapes are foam covered in plaster that will be
carved down to the right shape than vacuformed over.
i used to use foam with a thin layer of spackle as surface to vac over but
 the hot plastic sheet would always warp some part of the foam.
this has 1/8th to 1/4 inch of plaster. warp these(gestures towards crotch). i
also found using a jig saw with blade removed shakes the air right out if
applied to the bottom of your mixing container. i think it set up faster too.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

shell game

"shell game"..get it. it's a sorry for the stupid titles

my spiral is whack but i'll fix it.

where i currently stand. the awkward "lip" or " mouth"
of the shell is a "rubber" seal pressed around the opening
like an astronaut gasket thingy. there'll be clamps and a helmet too.